In The Zone, Vol. 1, No. 7

——————> IN THE ZONE <—————-
Phitness At Your Phingertips
Vol. 1, No. 7 February, 2009
In This Issue:
-From the Editors
-This Just In
-Tips & Tricks: Winter Sports
-Gym Bag: Training With Kettlebells
-Product Review: Iron Gym Pull-Up Bar
-On the Plate: Salmon Salad
This issue of IN THE ZONE is brought to you by
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Training as a Couple
February is the month of Valentines. That means
doing things as a couple, for instance, training
as couple.
There are great benefits to doing couples
workouts. For instance there is the motivation
factor. Couples can push one another, and lend
support to each other. There is also the advantage
of spending quality time with one another.
Think walking, hiking, jogging, etc. These are
great activities that the two of you can do
together. Keep in mind that often one person maybe
faster than the other.
Try participating in fitness classes. Martial arts/kickboxing, yoga, spinning, etc. These allow
you to work individually, but while doing
something together.
Give some of these a try, and watch your
relationship grow.
Announcing a new contest. I am not sure how this
is going to work, but we are going to give it a
Get as many people as you can to sign up to
receive this newsletter, and the person with the
most referrals will win a coffee
To make sure that you get credit for your
referrals, have them send an email to me at with the subject line
reading “Contest”. Your name and email address
must be included in the body of the message.
Good luck!
At Large Nutrition
Your number one choice for
nutritional supplements
According to a AP recent press release, the
findings of the largest study of multivitamin use
in older women. 161,808 postmenopausal women over
an eight year period were monitored. Approximately
42 percent of the subjects claimed regular use of
a multivitamin.
The data shows that the use of multivitamin pills
had no affect in preventing common cancers and
heart disease. This echoes recent similar studies
involving men.
Lead author Marian Neuhouser, suggests getting
nutrients from food. She says, “Whole foods are
better than dietary supplements.”
Co-auther Dr. JoAn Manson adds that regardless of
the findings, the research does not mean that
multivitamins are useless.
Bistro MD
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Fitness is a lifestyle that should be followed all
year. In the cold winter months it is no fun to go
jogging, and frankly, in some parts of the country,
it is darn near impossible. This doesn’t mean that
we can not be active.
The following is a list of things that can be done
when it is c-c-c-cold outside. So get bundled up,
and let’s go play:
Skiing – This is probably the first thing that
pops into peoples heads when they think winter
sports. If you are fortunate enough to live in an
area with ski slopes, than this is a great
activity that offers a lot of fun.
If you do not live near any hills, consider
cross-country skiing. This is a hybrid of hiking
and skiing that offers a fantastic cardio workout,
along with an opportunity to see some great
Snowboarding – Just like downhill skiing, all you
need is a hill. Also like skiing, professional
instruction will make this a very enjoyable time
in the snow.
Ice Skating – Whether you live near a VERY frozen
pond, or an ice rink, skating is great exercise.
Not only is the cardiovascular system pushed, but
have you seen the legs of a speed skater? Wow!
Hockey – For those who have the skill to skate
well and have a competitive nature, check out
hockey. There is not just the workout factor of
regular skating, but the added bonus of being
checked into the boards!
Broomball – Think hockey, but for those of us who
can not skate. All you need is a broom and a ball.
This is great fun for the whole family.
Well, there you have a few ideas for getting some
exercise in the cold months of the year. So grab
your mittens and stocking hat, and go have some
Training With Kettlebells
Kettlebell training originates from Russia. It is
a very simple, archaic looking piece of equipment.
However, it is a highly effective way to train.
Take one cannonball attach a thick handle and you
have a good idea of what a kettlebell looks like. Kettlebells come in various sizes and weights.
The exercises that can be performed cover all of
the “normal” stuff that can be done with a
dumbbell, such as curls, presses, rows, etc.
Other exercises that can be done would be the
Bent Press and Turkish Get-Up. You can also
perform squats and lunges. There are many others,
just take a look online for examples.
Working with high repetitions is a very good
cardio workout that can be achieved by keeping
the heart rate at an elevated level. On the
flipside, training with heavy weights and low
repetitions prove to build muscle and increase
People all over the world are utilizing this
type of training to realize fantastic gains.
Kettlebells are used by many strength and
conditioning coaches to train top flight athletes.
It is a favorite among those that compete in the
combat sports, such as wrestling, boxing, mixed
martial arts (MMA), etc.
No matter what your fitness goals, consider adding
some kettlebell training into your routine. You
will not regret it.
Jim Datsoulis’
The Elite Body
Breakthrough strategies for a superior body
Iron Gym Pull-Up Bar
This month we are looking at the Iron Gym pull-up
bar. You have probably seen the ad for these on
TV. We ordered one off of Amazon (just click the
link on the front page of to be
taken there).
The price was very reasonable at $29.99 plus
shipping. The product was shipped promptly, and
arrived in the allotted time.
Assembly is required, but the tool that was
provided did was adequate for the job, although
I would recommend using wrench to really tighten
it up.
The idea behind this product is that it uses
leverage to temporarily attach to the top of a
doorway. During out testing, it did not show
any damage to the door, it’s casing or the wall
above the doorway. Another great feature is that
it will hold up to 300 pounds. I tested it at
225 lbs., and it felt rock solid.
This bar allows you to do wide and narrow grip
pull-ups, and chin-ups to really work your back,
shoulders and arms. The bar can also be mounted
at the bottom of the doorway to hold your feet
for doing abdominal work, such as crunches and
Our bar also came with straps that attach to the
bar. These are for putting your arms through for
doing leg raises to hit the abs even more.
Remove the bar and set it on the floor, and you
can use it for doing dips to work your triceps, or
use it for push-ups to work your chest.
This very simple bar offers a number of options to
work a lot of body parts.
Pros: For what you get, this is a lot of bang for
the buck.
Cons: While the supplied tool worked to assemble,
I would recommend using conventional hand tools
for this job.
Recommend: Absolutely!
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Drain 1 can of salmon with water and empty into a
bowl. Steam or boil 1/2 of a cup of fresh or
frozen peas. Boil 1 cup of spiral pasta, and chill
by running cold water over the pasta while in a
strainer. Thinly slice one small red onion.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl with 1
tablespoon of light mayonnaise, and season to
The salmon can be substituted with chunk light
tuna in spring water, or 8 oz. of chicken breast.
Light Miracle Whip is also a nice alternative to
the mayo.
1 8 oz. can of wild salmon
1 cup peas (fresh or frozen)
1 cup whole wheat pasta
1 tbsp light mayonnaise
Makes 4 servings
Nutrition Per Serving:
Calories: 162.4
Fat: 5.5 g
Sodium: 32.8 g
Carbohydrates: 14.8 g
Protein: 12.9 g
Nutritional values calculated at
Healthy Express Cookbook:
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Eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult
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————————————————- Todd Boyer, Editor
Rebecca Boyer, Editor
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